Friday, January 4, 2008

Jameni furahieni maendeleo!

Kamau wa Njoroge, (not his real name) who happens to own five acres of land somewhere in the Rift valley-tuseme Laikipia my home district- willthis year sell his maize, yes! Maize for kshs. 1,300 a bag. He sells his produce at the local cereal board (NCPB). Right across the street fromthe NCPB, Mr. Kiptoo is doing a roaring business akisiaga posho. He even mills the sifted unga and hence no need for rural folks to buy Hostessfrom Unga limited.Five years ago, he got about shs. 400 for the same if he even dared plantit in the first place.His five cows give him an average of 25 kilos/litres of milk per day. He reserves 5 litres for subsistence and sells 20 everyday at a price ofKshs. 18 per litre. That is kshs. 360 daily and since cows give milk even on Christmas day, it is kshs. 10,800 every month.He has three kids in primary school. He is a reasonably young man and since he is not paying school fees, he is busy saving money for theirsecondary education.Across the road from Kamas's shamba, his neighbor James Koske has 10 acres. He has put 5 acres under wheat cultivation, 2 under maize, 2 underother cash crop like potatoes, oranges and other types of vegetables. HE will be selling his wheat for about kshs. 1,500 a bag. That is about700 more than what he'd have received 5 years ago. Wheat yield is about 15 bags per acre. That will give him about kshs.108,000 per year.He has 7 cows. That gives him over 12,000 shillings monthly. He sellsoranges and other vegetables. He is smiling because he is gettingrewardedfor his efforts.That is the same case for Simiyu in Mumias and his sugarcane farm. Chacha and his tobacco is getting the same.Otieno the Jua kali artisan and panel beater has just taken up a smallloan from Equity bank to expand his business. He has actually hired three more guys, two panel beaters and a painter man.Mama mboga is doing roaring business at the soko and so is Joseph, the owner of Hilton hotel across the market.Mwalimu ameongezewa mshahara and so is the civil servant. He now has moredisposable income and some of it is being left at mama mboga's andjoseph's kiosk.Dr. Ogeto, a vet. Doctor is doing roaring business at Nyahururu town selling Adamycin, anti bloat medicine and Nilzan dewormer to farmers.Wakulima wameongeza mifugo coz KMC is doing roaring business and so is KCC.All these are common dudes. They are the small guys, the small trader.ODM, tafadhali acheni fitina. You look bad. Try something else. The economy is our strength; it is Kibaki's strength.The economy is not doing well for two kinds of people;1. Those who wait for free things, for manna to fall from above.2. The lazy idlers.For everyone who has a body temperature and willingness as well as the initiative to take a risk, something is happening.There are so many University graduates who are unemployed in Kenya today. They are still waiting for those six figure income jobs.They should go get a life. Start farming. its the easiest way to make somemoney. Some of them have land lying idle (their parents) but can't eveneducate their parents on what should be done. Hang on Matatus as manambas and save some money and do something.For anyone who had saved kshs. 12,000 last year, that was enough money to buy 1,000 shares of KENGEN. (@Kshs. 12.00). He would have made a cool8,000 shillings any day after the shares were floated in the market for doing nothing. Reinvest the same money in something else and the moneywould have given 50% yield (shs. 4,000) giving him kshs. 12,000 or double what he had saved.He now has 24,000 shillings in less than six months. That is enough tosecure him a loan at the bank or something else.Remember the woman who borrowed kshs. 100,000, bought 6400 KENGEN sharesfor approximately 77,000, sold the shares at kshs. 40 each making 28 shillings per share or 180,000 shares, repaid her 100,000 loan and madekshs. 80,000 ALL THAT IN A WEEK???? Why wouldn't a university graduate do that?Remember the Chokora who saved kshs. 50,000 and bought the same leavingKimunya impressed? Watu! Stop whining. It only makes you look bad.Finally, everyone has a story of a small trader be it mitumba, bike repairer, shopkeeper e.t.c. who has made it in the last 4 years in a wayhe could only have dreamt of.Remember, there are no two economies in Kenya. There is just one economy. You don't have to be a genius to realize that if all sectors of theeconomy are growing including major employing sectors such asagriculture and tourism then automatically jobs are being created.E.g. 5 new KTB employees go to Europe to promote tourism = Mr. shah gets10000 tourist through his hotel this year= Mr. shah needs to hire cooks,watchmen waiters entertainers, drivers etc =Mr. shah also needs supportservices a company to do his laundry and provide supplies.Mr. shah also needs to feed the tourist =enter Mr. kamau. Mr. kamau needsto supply the fruits eggs milk for Mr. shah he also needs people to gobuythe stuff from the farms clean package and deliver them to Mr. shah.EnterMr. mwachofi he knows all the right people to do this job. While the tourist are in Mombassa salim the local has a tour guidecompany that guides tourist around the coast, he also has a small kikoi shop and curving he employs mutiso kilonzo and mwangumi. Later mahanga and his friends the local beach boys troop in to go sell the carvings Meanwhile Mr. shah, kamau and mwachofi need to operate offices to deal with billing, payment, taxation to deal with KRA etc by DEC 2007 600,000 JOBS CREATED NAHIYO NI MAENDELEO SIO MAANDAMANO Meanwhile Onyango is still living in kibera and attending endless ODM rallies. While Mr. shah, kamau, koske, mwachifi, kiptoo, salim, mutiso mahanga and nyongesa make some money and vote for Kibaki in 2007 and dont forget the women Mrs. shah, Kiptoo, kamau, salim and nyongesa. CDF projects have also created jobs especially in the construction sector, but in some areas MPs resorted to buying lab items from there own companies and also spend all the money in giving bursary to private students attending there private owned schools. People in such areas will never feel or see the impact of the money. President Kibaki promised that he would steer the economy to create 500,000 jobs annually.Kenya has 210 constituencies.Each constituency receives approximately Kshs. 20 million annually inCDF.On average, each constituency needs to create 2380 jobs to attain the desired goal.Granted, some constituencies will definitely create more jobs than othersfor example, Nairobi. This is the hub of commerce and industry as well asthe service sector be it tourism, banking, hotel etc.Some areas like the Rift Valley and Central Province are also very vibrant in terms of the economy and will see a disproportionate job growth thanother areas.
I believe that we are very close to the said target and in two or three years, if the status quo holds, we will definitely surpass it.
KIBAKI'S DISTRACTORSODM is so discomfited by the good economic news that they are groping in the dark looking for answers.Why not just give credit where it is due. If you think about the ODM big 6 (or seven if you add Dr. Julia Ojiambo), you'd be forgiven for making the assumption that they are not in thecountry.When there is good news, they are absent and notably very quiet.Some days ago, Equity bank announced its profits and the story is thesame. This is how the bank CEO summarized the rosy picture. I lifted it updirectly from the Kenya times. "Equity Bank's snowballing profit for the third quarter has spiraled by120 per cent to Sh774 million from Sh351 million recorded for the sameperiod last year. The soaring profitability, attributed mainly to a surge in volume ofbusiness, is certain to boost investor confidence among the bank'sshareholders following its listing at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE)." He said that it was due to a surge in volume of business.It wasn't EABL, KENGEN, SafariCom, Mumias and other blue chip companiesthat borrowed all this money; it was you and I, the small guy. It is good to be objective. It is by beingobjective that we can be proud of being Kenyans.Subjectivity has turned people into pessimists whocannot see light at the end of the tunnel. Thispessimism has been spread to many ignorant Kenyans who have fallen prey of selfish politicians. For exampleHon. Musa Sirma was sarcastic in his criticism of the NARC government.Buttoday he has seen what KANU was saying was impossible e.g. free primaryeducation is now possible. We are no longer kneeling down to donors yet every constituency including his EldamaRavine is getting something. However there are some who still cannotappreciate any of these goodies yet you cannot trace any performance record when they had a chance. For Instance: (1) Hon. Kamotho was minister for education,transport, local government, trade, and environment What legacy has he left in all these ministries? What can you remember? Coups in local authorities, chaos in transport, and Oh! What aboutKarura forest? Hon Michuki was in transport for only two years and hehas made history although Hon. Kajwang calls him - Muchuki. (2) Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has been in parliament since 1988. Whenexpressing himself he has always referred to himself as a lawyer.... As alawyer he advised Kibaki to dissolve parliament and call fresh elections. As lawyer he predicted that 2006 would be a year of elections. Kenyansneed to see his legal competence in parliament. Dont forget Njoki Ndungujoined Parliament recently yet she will go into history books because of her contribution in parliament. Kalonzo needs to understand that Kenyansneed more of actions and less of empty talk. Again he was minister forforeign affairs, education, environment etc. Tell me something unique we can remember him for.(3)Hon. Raila Odinga was made minister for energy during the Moi regime. As a minister during that time do you remember him beyond landing inKisumu in a helicopter? Later he was appointed minister for public works.Do you remember him beyond brining down buildings on road reserves? Give performance a chance mheshimiwa.(4) Hon. Balala was made minister for sports and national heritage. As minister he could not bring order to KFF. Hon. Maina Kamanda was recentlyappointed minister for sports and we can see what is happening to sportsin this country. (5) Hon. Ruto can be best remembered in 1992 as a Kanu activist. Youremember the economy came to its knees as millions of shillings werelooted for campaigns and for years Kenyans have paid for this economic crime. Anything you can remember him for as minister? However within avery short time as minister, Hon. Kirwa has brought sanity in theagricultural sector. (6)Hon. William Ole Ntimama became minister in 1988. However I tend toremember him more issuing threats and insults than working as a minister.During the Narc era he was minister for public service. Do recall him beyond threatening public servants. In the short period Moses Akarangahasbeen Minister do you see what he has done? Actions speak louder than words. We have seen the likes of Munyes,Obwocha, Tuju, Karua, Ngilu, Kagwe, Soita...their actions are louder than their words. WE ARE NOT BLIND WE HAVE SEEN AND WE ARE NOT DEAF WE HAVE HEARD. Does the ODM have an agenda for Kenya or these people have an agendafor themselves?We can differentiate between competence and incompetence, selfishisness and selflessness. Can these people be trusted in their incompetence andinconsistency? You and other Kenyans should advice me. Send this to them and ask themto advise a Kenyan who wants to be proud of being a Kenyan. A sample often is reasonable. President Kibaki is going to be re-elected with a landslide,Wait and see...AND...That is the story

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